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Identitas Pria Bertato Gagal Ganteng Akhirnya Terungkap

apahabar.com, BANJARBARU – The identity of the body of a handsome Failed tattooed man was finally…

Polisi berhasil mengungkap identitas pria yang ditemukan tak bernyawa di pinggir jalan dekat bundaran Masjid Agung Banjarbaru, Kamis (14/3). Foto-Istimewa

bakabar.com, BANJARBARU – The identity of the body of a handsome Failed tattooed man was finally revealed. The man is Muhammad Rusdi (24). He is a resident of Telok Selong Ulu Martapura Barat.

As expected, the police made sure that Rusdi was a victim of a traffic accident or lakalantas.

The disclosure of the identity of the lakalantas victim was based on the results of an investigation by the Unit Laka Traffic Unit at the Banjarbaru Police Station.


“We already know the victim’s identity, right, the tattooed man. The victim named Muhammad Rusdi,” said the Head of the Banjarbaru Regional Police, AKP Gustaf Adolf Mamuaya, through Kanit Laka Aipda Heriyadi.

At this time the victim’s family already knew of the incident that had befallen the child. It was planned that Rusdi’s body would be taken to the funeral home, then buried.

“We have also secured truck drivers, currently we are still checking and examining other witnesses,” he said.

Later it was discovered, the driver of the truck was named Nurdin (48), a resident of Tambak Sirang Laut, Banjar Regency.

He did not deny that during this time the roadside area near the roundabout of the Great Mosque of Banjarbaru was often used by truck drivers to park their vehicles.

Actually, his side has often carried out raids. Day or night. However, he continued, the truck drivers returned to use the shoulder of the road to become a kind of rest area.

“In the future we will definitely continue to carry out raids at the place. Because we emphasize, that place is not a resting place. We also hope that in this place there is a need for parking restrictions or stops. As well as the addition of street lighting there,” he said.

Also Read: Men Tattooed ‘Handsome Failure’ Killed Front of Al-Munawwarah Great Mosque

Previously, the tattooed man was found lifeless in front of the Al-Munawwarah Great Mosque or around the Trikora Banjarbaru roundabout, Thursday night (14/3) at around 19:40.

Allegedly strong, this man is a victim of a traffic accident or lakalantas. Not far from the body of the victim, found a red Honda Scoopy. There is no identity or KTP from the body. The identity of the corpse is still mysterious.

Information was gathered, allegedly he hit the back of one of the parking trucks that ate the body of the road in the roundabout area. The location of the incident was in pitch black conditions without lighting.

Victims are known to have a height of approximately 155 cm, in the left arm engraved tattoos that read ‘Handsome Fail’ with bandages of heart symbols and dice images.

Also Read: Clash of Bodies in Banjarbaru, The Cause of Death Becomes a Mystery

Author: Zepi Al Ayubi Editor: Fariz F
